Tuesday, July 14, 2009

24. Drink only water for one day – at least 64 ounces

So, this may seem silly to most people, but it really was a challenge for me! First of all, for some reason, I just don't drink a lot of liquids throughout the day. I could go most of the day without anything to drink! I'm most thirsty at night so I usually have a bottle of water then, otherwise, I have to force myself to drink water the rest of the day. Secondly, I LOVE Diet Coke so I almost always have one can a day! Yesterday, I realized I had made it most of the day without having a Diet Coke so I decided it was the day to make it my "drink only water" day! 67.6 ounces of water.....that's a lot for me! So far, it's 10:30 the following day and I still haven't had my Diet Coke......maybe I'll see how long I can keep this up!


Andrea said...

You're doing good! Its harder than you think to do it all right??? But I think you have done a pretty good job! Lose 27 lbs!!! WOW that seems like a lot! You'd be invisible!

Jason and Carrie said...
